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Breast Surgery
in St Petersburg, FL

Why Choose Dr. Abbassi for Breast Surgery?

Dr. Abbassi has an eye for fine details and is known for her warmth and bright demeanor. She believes that plastic surgery should be done with finesse and produce natural and authentic looking results. Dr. Abbassi takes the time to listen to her patients and builds a lasting rapport with them. She works closely with her patients to tailor individualized treatment options and surgical plans to address their concerns. 

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery consists of meticulous placement of a breast prosthesis in efforts to enhance the size, projection and appearance of the native breast. The location of the implant (above or under the muscle), type of implant (silicone versus saline) and size of implant (cc’s/volume) are carefully selected after close examination of the patient’s specific anatomy and thorough discussion of options including the patient’s preference. Breast implants do require periodic monitoring to ensure the device is intact and are not considered lifetime devices.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery consists of reducing the size of the glandular breast tissue as well as reducing the skin envelope of the breast. As a result of this, the nipple and areola complex are relocated to a perkier and more youthful location. Breast reduction surgery incision subtypes vary between donut style/periareolar, lollipop/vertical and anchor/wise pattern incisions. The type of incision varies based on patient anatomy and is tailored to the patient’s specific surgical needs.

Mastopexy/Breast Lift

A mastopexy or breast lift procedure consists of reducing the skin envelope of the breast in efforts to reposition the nipple and areola complex to a perkier and more youthful position on the chest wall.  Breast lift surgery incision subtypes vary between donut style/periareolar, lollipop/vertical and anchor/wise pattern incisions. The type of incision selected is dependent on the patient’s specific anatomy and amount of skin excess present.

Breast Fat Grafting

Fat grafting to the breast is a great option for improving the cleavage, volume and projection of the native breast for those that desire using their own tissue. The fat used is obtained through meticulous liposuction and can be harvested from an area of the body based on the patients choosing. Up to one cup size increase can be expected to be obtained during one fat grafting cycle but for dramatic increase in size multiple rounds may be required.

Mastopexy + Breast Augmentation

Breast lift in conjunction with insertion of a breast implant is an operation that consists of a delicate balance of increasing the volume of the breast while tightening the skin envelope.